Under our Amazon product listing optimization service, we provide you with appropriate content like Q&A relating to the new product listing on Amazon which has a better chance to rank on Amazon.
Our Amazon product listing services also include getting your content vetted from a qualified Amazon product listing copywriter from our personnel base to help you in curating the right kind of information.
Amazon has recently allowed you to add a video to the Amazon product listing even if you do not have a brand registry. So we can create an Amazon product listing video for the purpose of driving more sales.
For the US and UK, we use native speakers as the same words in English might not make for both. The back of the car used to hold stuff you won’t need access to without stopping the car is called the boot in the UK, and the trunk in the US.
We provide listing services in local languages like German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch and any language supported. By using native language speakers we make sure your customers gets optimal understanding which assists in high conversion rates.